Franjo Construction Corporation is one of the largest non-union general contractors in the area. Our focus is on building exceptional commercial sites, from self-storage facilities and office buildings to multi-family complexes, educational institutions, and more. Over the years, we have built many sites within the limits of the City of Pittsburgh; however, upon sharing this fact with our growing network, it appeared this was news. We’re here to clear things up.

Frank Gamrat, Ph.D. from the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy recently expressed that “the [local] economy is held back by the fealty to unions, high tax rates and stifling regulations.” Pittsburgh has a long history of labor unions. Much of the city was built on this principle, so it is only logical for this to be a common thought. This seems to have lead to a misconception that all City of Pittsburgh construction projects must include a union contractor. This is not the case. Looking at an overview below, Franjo Construction has participated in dozens of projects within city limits.

Aerial map showing sites completed by Franjo Construction in Downtown Pittsburgh, Lower Hill, and into Oakland

Let’s take a look at these areas in more of a micro view. Downtown, the Strip District, and Lawrenceville have all seen a recent boom in multifamily developments. Franjo Construction is proud to have been involved in a high volume of these.

Downtown into Oakland

Recent news in the commercial real estate industry includes the conversion of the Commonwealth Building to an apartment and retail building. Franjo Construction is proud to be the lead contractor on the project. Take a look at some of our other projects, both completed and in progress:

Aerial map indicating 26 jobsites Franjo Construction has built

Select a Downtown/Oakland project below to view details:

Beauty Shoppe

Commonwealth Building

Portal Place Apartments

Atwood Commons

The Strip District and Lawrenceville

These areas have been booming for years, with the market starting to spill over the river into Millvale. This makes sense, as technology firms have been flocking to the area, and workers needed local housing. Franjo has been honored to support this growth through its construction abilities as well.

Take a look at some of these projects, including household names like Uber:

Aerial map showing sites completed by Franjo Construction in the Strip District and Lawrenceville, PA

Select a Strip District/Lawrenceville project below to view details:


Uber WMG

Uber ATG – Crucible Building

Lawrenceville Technology Center


TRYP Hotel


Arsenal 201

Square View Apartments

Forte Condominiums